The conference is at the Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Diego, CA on May 14-16, 2020.
SAVE $600
Early-Bird Pricing Ends Thurs., April 30th
Purchase a ticket or the videos today.
You will learn time-tested ways to bring in new donors online. You'll also learn how to get second gifts from your newly acquired donors.
You'll learn how to build a donor acquisition system that gets you new donors every day.
Come to this year's Digital Fundraising Conference and learn how to bring in more donations every single day...automatically.
Do you have donations coming in daily through your website?
If not, then you need a robust digital fundraising engine.
With a digital fundraising engine, you'll have donations coming in every day ... even when you're not in the office. Donations will come in on weekdays, weekends and holidays.
If you want to generate consistent donations, you'll need to have three main systems in place.
Lucky for you, these systems are simple to make.
You will leave the Digital Fundraising Conference with the knowledge and a plan to build these three systems for your organization.
It's easier than you think to create systems that generate new donors and bring in more revenue for your organization. And once these systems are in place, you won't have to make them again. You can use them day after day, year after year.
This is the easiest way to consistently bring in new donors.
Once your digital fundraising engine is built, it runs on autopilot with little effort needed on your part. And once it's humming along, it's easy to increase your revenue. You'll learn how at the conference.
You already have a website and send out emails, right?
Then you already have what it takes to build your fundraising engine.
At the conference, you'll learn exactly what to do to build your own digital fundraising engine. You don't have to be a tech wizard or have extra staff to create a fundraising engine that brings in daily donations.
And at the conference, you'll be able to talk with the experts. They'll show you how easy it is to set up a system that regularly brings in new donors.
If you've jumped on the social media bandwagon and haven't brought in many donations, you're not alone.
You've probably been told how to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and other social media platforms to engage people. But when it comes to turning those people into donors, you haven't been shown how to properly turn subscribers into donors.
And guess what?
You don't need a large base of social media followers to have a steady stream of daily donations coming in.
But, without a proper digital fundraising system in place, it's going to be impossible for you to consistently and predictably raise money online.
So, would you like to know the secret to raising money online?
Amazon. Facebook. Google.
These are just a few of the successful companies that started small in the founder's garages and dorm rooms. And then they became hugely successful companies in a matter of years.
Now, more than any other time in history, we have companies starting small and growing into multimillion dollar companies - seemingly overnight.
If it's seemingly easy for businesses to grow fast, why do many nonprofit organizations seem to stay small?
What are for-profit companies doing that nonprofit's aren't?
For-profit companies leverage digital technology.
Successful companies utilize the latest digital technologies to attract new customers. And they keep investing time and money in the newest and best ways of engaging potential customers.
These same ways of bringing in new customers also work for bringing in new donors.
At this year's conference, you're going to learn the newest and best ways to bring in new donors and raise money online.
Usually when you go to a conference you learn all sorts of new strategies and tactics. But then it's left up to you to figure out how the different strategies and tactics all work together.
At the Digital Fundraising Conference you'll learn how all the donor getting strategies and tactics fit together. And you'll have the time and help you need to start implementing what you learn.
The goal of the Digital Fundraising Conference is to help you build a robust and predictable source of donations for your organization.
The Executive Producer of the Digital Fundraising Conference is Christopher Davenport. He also produces the much beloved Nonprofit Storytelling Conference.
You will learn how to build a predictable process for bringing in new donors. You'll also learn how to turn these new donors into repeat donors.
You'll also learn how to write emails and website copy that motivates donors to give.
You will learn how to build a digital fundraising system you can use year after year to generate new donors.
If you're interested in having a system that generates new donors and keeps those donors engaged with your organization, then come to the Digital Fundraising Conference.
The conference takes place in San Diego, California on May 14-16.
Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel, San Diego, CA
May 14th 8am-5pm
May 15th 8am-5pm
May 16th 8am-noon
Each of the sessions will be recorded on video.
So, if you can't make it to the conference in person you can buy the videos from the conference.
Also, the videos are a great way to share how to build a digital fundraising engine with your staff.
Take advantage of the introductory pricing and buy your ticket or videos today. You'll save yourself $800 on your ticket.
SAVE $600
Early-Bird Pricing Ends Thurs., April 30th
Purchase a ticket or the videos today.
Click below.
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Regularly $997
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Regularly $1197
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Regularly $1397
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