
If you want new donors, get the session videos 
from the Digital Fundraising Conference 

SAVE $500
Purchase the session recordings at the pre-conference price. 
Plus, get 10 free bonus videos when you buy

the session videos today (a $500 VALUE)
See below for details.

Purchase your online ticket and the session recordings today. 

This is the best conference for learning
how to bring in new donors.

You will learn time-tested ways to bring in new donors online.  You'll also learn how to get second gifts from your newly acquired donors.

You'll learn how to build a donor acquisition system that gets you new donors every day.

Brings in new donors on autopilot.
Every. Single. Day.

Your own Digital Fundraising Engine

During this year's Digital Fundraising Conference you'll learn how to bring in more donations every single day...automatically.

Do you have donations coming in daily through your website?  

If not, then you need a robust digital fundraising engine.  

With a digital fundraising engine, you'll have donations coming in every day ... even when you're not in the office.  Donations will come in on weekdays, weekends and holidays. 

3 parts to a robust fundraising engine

If you want to generate consistent donations, you'll need to have three main systems in place.

  1. A system that generates new potential donors
  2. A system that turns potential donors into first time donors
  3. A system that follows up with first time donors and turns them into repeat donors

Lucky for you, these systems are simple to make.

You will leave the Digital Fundraising Conference with the knowledge and a plan to build these three systems for your organization.  

It's easier than you think to create systems that generate new donors and bring in more revenue for your organization. And once these systems are in place, you won't have to make them again.  You can use them day after day, year after year.

This is the easiest way to consistently bring in new donors.

Easily grow your fundraising
revenue with less effort

Once your digital fundraising engine is built, it runs on autopilot with little effort needed on your part. .

No technical experience, or extra staff, required

You already have a website and send out emails, right?

Then you already have what it takes to build your fundraising engine. 

At the conference, you'll learn exactly what to do to build your own digital fundraising engine.  You don't have to be a tech wizard or have extra staff to create a fundraising engine that brings in daily donations.

Raise more money online.  Even if
you've tried before and haven't
been successful.

If you've jumped on the social media bandwagon and haven't brought in many donations, you're not alone.

You've probably been told how to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and other social media platforms to engage people. But when it comes to turning those people into donors, you haven't been shown how to properly turn subscribers into donors. 

And guess what?

You don't need a large base of social media followers to have a steady stream of daily donations coming in.  

But, without a proper digital fundraising system in place, it's going to be impossible for you to consistently and predictably raise money online.

Start Raising Money Immediately

Here are 10 FREE videos to help you start raising money online right away:

  • How to Use Facebook to Grow Your Email List, Cultivate Your Supporters, and Prime Your Donors
  • 24 Rules for Nonprofits on Instagram
  • Digital Storytelling and Stewardship Tools
  • Getting Your Story Opened, Clicked, and Shared
  • How to Create and Tell Digital Stories Across Multiple Channels
  • Tell it on the Mountain – Storytelling Across Multiple Social Media Channels
  • Communication Launchpad
  • How to Use Donor Surveys to Gather Stories and Connect with Your Donors
  • Why Email is Still a Must for Nonprofit Fundraising
  • Video Production in Your Pocket

These ten videos are available to you immediately after you buy your online ticket. Start watching them today.

"Either you embrace digital fundraising now, or
donors will pass you by as more donors
decide to give online."

Here's what you'll get from the conference videos

You will learn how to build a predictable process for bringing in new donors and more revenue.  You'll also learn how to turn these new donors into repeat donors.

You will learn how to build a digital fundraising system you can use year after year to generate new donors.

If you're interested in having a system that generates new donors and keeps those donors engaged with your organization, then buy an online ticket to this year's Digital Fundraising Conference.

When is the conference?

The conference took place online on May 14, 15, & 18. 

To see the schedule, click here.

Here's what to do next

Take advantage of the pre-conference pricing and buy your session videos today.  You'll save yourself $500.

SAVE $500
Pre-Conference Pricing Ends June 30th

Purchase the session recordings today. 
Plus, get the 10 free bonus videos when you buy
the session videos today (a $500 VALUE)
Click below.


SAVE $500
Regularly $1197

Get all the Session Recordings on Video
Plus Get 10 Free Bonus Videos
Get Immediate Access to all the
videos when you buy now

